Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Publisher Appreciation Post!!! RE: Kensington Publishing!

 It's Wednesday which means it's time for another publisher appreciation post! 

This week I'll be featuring Kensington Publishing. When I first reached out to publishers to work with, Kensington was so quick to get back to me - they were among the first I partnered with - and so kind to provide gifted copies of the books listed below! I adore working with Kensington and hope that you will be sure to check out some of the amazing reads they offer! 

Kensington Books

I have previously blogged about "The Menopause Manifesto" (see previous posts) and how much I learned from Dr. Jen! Here are some of the other amazing reads I've been gifted to promote/review: 

Next Job, Best Job - if this year has taught us anything, it's that time are changing and we need to focus on what's making us happy - Rob Barnett shows us way to achieve this! 

Elizabeth & Monty - celebrating the 75th anniversary of "A Place in the Sun" this inside look at the friendship of Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift is stepping back into old-time Hollywood! Please consider joining us on LikeWise for a discussion about this great read and then discussing "A Place in the Sun"! 

Bee People - how many of us watched "CSI" and became interested in Grissom and he's love of all things that crawled?!?! This read is not only funny but a scientific look at the why and how - if you love to learn, like I do, you will love this one! 

Three Ordinary Girls - for the history lovers! WWII, spies, traps, and more! Three teenagers were recruited to spy/help during WW11 - and this is the first time their stories have been told. I could not put this one down! 

Here is a bit about Kensington and why it is so important that they remain an independent publisher: 

2020 marks Kensington Publishing Corp’s 46th year in business, and it is one of the last remaining independent U.S. publisher of hardcover, trade and mass market paperback books. From the time our very first book (Appointment in Dallas by Hugh McDonald), became a bestseller, Kensington has been known as an astute and determined David-vs.-Goliath publisher of titles in the full spectrum of categories, from fiction and romance to health and nonfiction.

Please take the time to check out the reads above and let me know if you read/or have already read any!!! 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Reading about a pandemic....during a pandemic....

 I've put off reading this one for a bit now, it was just released in April of this year, but the idea of reading about a pandemic DURING a pandemic was a bit much. I've kept hearing so many good things about this one I'm going ahead! 

The End of Men

"The End of Men" is part of my current library haul! This is a debut novel by Christina Sweeney-Baird and I love debut novels so much! Finding new authors is something I truly enjoy and this one sounds like a winner! 

Set in 2025 there is a virus that only men can contract and the race to warn and save the population. 

After having COVID, I'm prepared that this might be triggering but I'm also interested to see how this past year is showcased in the book. 

Have you read this one yet? What did you think? 

Wrapping up two books this week!

 Happy Tuesday! 

This past week has been a busy one! I'm preparing to return back to my main job on the 2nd so I've been trying to get everything in order - which means, my reading took a hit. 

I finished both books I had been reading last night/today! I loved them both and cannot recommend them enough! 

First up:

The President is Missing

This book scared the heck out of me! To say Former President Clinton and James Patterson can paint a picture of a cyberterrorism is an understatement. The multiple POV's help to paint a picture that is not only realistic but also gives us an insider view of what can happen in the Oval Office. For those who have never thought what might happen if we are forced into the "dark ages", prepare to be shook. 

Second book: 

Palm Spring Noir  

This is my first time reading the California series published by Akashic Books and I must now read them all! Each story was fantastic and it was the perfect companion read to "The President is Missing." I loved the fact that all stories were written by authors who truly KNEW the area; either they have lived there or grew up there. To write a perfect noir story, knowing your location is key because it will paint the picture for your readers. If you love noir, I cannot recommend this one enough! 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

The President Is Missing....

 So, so, so excited about this one!!!! 

"The President Is Missing" is a co-authored book by Former President Bill Clinton and James Patterson. So we have all the insider info from the Oval PLUS Patterson's brilliant story-telling abilities!! I'm already 100 pages in and loving this one so much! 

You can tell the sections that Clinton has written and the sections that Patterson has done, which makes for a unique story. I can see Clinton in the fictitious President Duncan, Hillary in the fictitious Chief of Staff, Newt G in the fictitious Speaker of the House, and others. If you follow politics, you will not be disappointed in this one. 

Also, the Clinton/Patterson team has a new book coming out as well! As does Hillary Clinton who has teamed up with Louise Penny and I'm SO excited for that one in October!!!!! Links below! 

State of Terror

The President is Missing

The President's Daughter

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Publisher Appreciation Post!!! RE: Bellevue Literary Press

 Welcome to the first, of many I hope, publisher appreciation posts!! My goal is to discuss the publishers I am partnering with to promote their current, new, and upcoming releases across all the platforms! If you are looking to connect, please click on the links - web browser view - and if you are viewing this in mobile view, you can follow me @ukbookbrat on Instagram! 

For today's appreciation; Bellevue Literary Press

Readers, they had me at their mission statement! Check it out: 

Bellevue Literary Press is devoted to publishing literary fiction and nonfiction at the intersection of the arts and sciences because we believe that science and the humanities are natural companions for understanding the human experience. We feature exceptional literature that explores the nature of perception and the underpinnings of the social contract. With each book we publish, our goal is to foster a rich, interdisciplinary dialogue that will forge new tools for thinking and engaging with the world.

If that does not encompass everything that bookworms love, I do not know what will! I've adored my interactions with Bellevue, the two current releases and one ARC they sent - well, they are phenomenal! Here are the links to check it out for yourselves: 

Talking Back, Talking Black

A Solemn Pleasure

And the forthcoming: 

Uncommon Measure

I hope you will check out the links and on social media, give Bellevue a follow! Connect with them here: 

Instagram: @bellevueliterarypress

Twitter: @bellevuepress


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Clap When You Land!

 I'm long overdue to read this one! Last year, I joined the book of the month club by Politics & Prose - which I loved to visit when in DC! Politics & Prose is among my top 5 local/independent bookstores!!! You can visit them using this link: 

Politics and Prose

"Clap When You Land" is also among the Goodreads 2020 best reads! I'm so excited to get started on this one! 

It's rare I read two books at once but when it's short stories I tend to go back and forth. Do you read multiple books at once? Or are you a one book at a time kinda reader? 

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Palm Springs.....

Happy Sunday everyone! 

Today's gifted read is curiosity of Akashic Noir series! Starting in 2004, Akashic Books began publishing this series starting with Brooklyn. This is my first time reading this series and I cannot wait to get started! 

I adore all things California and for this work to be set in Palm Springs, it makes my bookworm heart so happy! Another key fact in this series, the authors are located within the areas they write which will make the stories all the more authentic. 

If you haven't already, add me as a friend on Facebook! I'm creating an online bookclub called "Coffee, Books, and Yoga Pants!" and our first read will be announced on August 1st! I hope you all will join in. 

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Let's talk about being flush....and no, I don't mean embarrassed!

 Just finished "The Menopause Manifesto" and.....

I called my mom and apologized for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I might have done during that time in her life! Also, if any of my relatives, teachers, etc come across this - I'M SO SORRY! 

So I'm 41 and while this book does not entirely apply to me, I can see some signs already. As discussed in the previous post, I do not have children so heading into this stage of my life could happen sooner than for some. That is why I was so grateful to Kensington Publishers for gifting me this copy to promote! Now I've gone down the Dr. Jen explain path, and I feel some better and also I learned quite a bit! 

I love reading a medical/self-help book that does not talk down to you. I prefer using real-life examples and referring to information from this century, not just old-school jargon. Dr. Jen does this! She puts it on your level and lays all the cards out on the table. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is off limits - which is as it should be! I still find it amazing that in 2021 the word "menopause" can be taboo but yet, it is. Women's health has taken a backseat to so many things, men I'm looking at you, that is seems at times we are still living in the 60's (abortion rights anyone?!?!) and we need to get out of the past and start focusing on our future. Dr. Jen does this and she will make you laugh along with the way with stories and teach at the same time. 

I cannot recommend this book enough! 

Thursday, July 15, 2021

This one is for the ladies.....

 Thanks to Kensington Publishing for gifting me a copy of "The Menopause Manifesto" by Dr. Jen Gunter! 

I know this pick will not be for everybody who might come across this blog BUT Dr. Jen does have another publication as well: 

The Vagina Bible: The Vulva and the Vagina—Separating the Myth from the Medicine


TED Talk!

Dr. Jen's TED Talk was one of the 2020's TOP TEN, just under Bill Gates and Van Jones! Dr. Jen is on track to have 3M viewers!!! 

So ladies, we need to listen to what Dr. Jen has to tell us! I'm so excited to start reading this one because as some of you know, I do not have children of my own and therefore I'm more likely to start into menopause earlier than most who have had children. This gifted read came at the PERFECT time in my life and I hope this blog/book/podcast/Dr. Jen will come at the perfect time in yours as well! 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Welcome to Lordsville......

"Justified" meets the area I grew up in "Paradise, WV" by Rob Rufus. 

At first glance, see previous post, I believed the cover resembled heaven vs. hell and boy was I right about that one! Jane and Henry Lusher's dad, Hollis, was convicted of murdering 3 (possibly 12) women before being arrested. The kids must live in the shadow of this in a small town called, Paradise. No one befriends the kids and the oldest, Jane, is doing whatever it takes to get out Paradise for good. 


The murders that their father was accused of start again or did they ever stop? Is this a copycat killer? OR...was the real killer never brought to justice? With the help of Otis Perkins, who has his own father issues as well, they attempt to unmask what really happened to those women and how it may be connected to a religious cult, Lordsville. And of course, Mammaw and Gravy (their mascot puppy) are along for the ride! 

I cannot say enough about this book! I had to pace myself or else I was going to finish it in one night! The writing is on point for the kids, mammaw, and the officers. I love the mentions of local area restaurant's, cities, and towns! It was like walking back through my childhood, minus the serial killer. 

Couple of things I didn't love but in no way impacted the story; I felt the podcast visiting would have been a much bigger deal than it was made out to be. I think given the events that occurred on the night of the live event, the hosts would have wanted to stick around for the first hand accounts of what was going on (in my opinion.) Next, the book is divided into "episodes" which is why I thought the podcast would play a bigger role in the book than it did. But as I said, these couple of things did not impact the story and did not prevent me from giving this one a 5/5 on Goodreads! I really hope you all pick up a copy when it hits shelves on 7.20.21! 

Monday, July 12, 2021

Time to visit Paradise WV....

 Alright everyone, next up on the places to travel (and TBR list), "Paradise, WV!" 

I'm so excited to start this one today, it was gifted to me by Turner Publishing/KeyLight Books and will be released on 7.20.2021 - so if you pick up a copy, send me a message on LikeWise I've already started a discussion there! 

For me, this book will hit close to home - literally. Growing up on the Kentucky/Ohio/West Virginia line (AKA "Tri-State Area") I see first hand how drugs and poverty have taken over around my hometown. This area used to be home to AK Steel, one of the top steel making plants in the US, and when they shut down - everyone felt the impact. You KNEW someone who had lost their job; they might not be related to you but they were related to someone you knew, their dad sat next to you in school, or the waitress at Bob Evan's who always has a smile on her - well, her husband lost his job. And the area I grew up in has never recovered. 

I moved away before the opioid epidemic started but I know from visiting family, the struggle is real for those left behind. It breaks my heart to see homes I visited as a child being knocked down for either liquor stores, gas stations, or fast food places. But that is what's going on, and it never should have gotten to this point. 

So when you pick up this new release by Rob Rufus, hopefully this will give a little background to West Virginia and the surrounding area(s)! For "Paradise, WV" though - not only do we have all of this going on, but we also have a serial killer on the loose as well! Check out my GoodReads and LikeWise accounts for updates on this one! 

Side note; I LOVE this cover - right now I'm thinking heaven vs. hell but I'm sure that opinion will change! 

Your Majesty....

 Finished "Majesty" over the weekend and I loved it! 

Personally, I wouldn't have had Jeff and Daphne together because let's face it - Jeff deserves better but he just doesn't know it yet. Also, Daphne having her "ah-ha moment" wasn't the true "ah-ha" I was hoping for.....jail anyone?!?! 

I'm so glad I read these though! I can see aspects from "Gossip Girl" and the House of Windsor...but I appreciate the twists and the feminist aspect of the book. I just wish their mum had come around to accepting everything, but it goes to show what tradition does to a person. Nothing good comes from being so stubborn you cannot welcome new ideas! 

Friday, July 9, 2021

Gossip Girl Meets House of Windsor....Part 2

 Starting "Majesty" this evening! This is the 2nd book in the American Royals series and according to a user on LikeWise - there is a twist!!! I do love a good twist! 

The first book, "American Royals" was a fun read! I have a before/after blog post about that one as well. When I finished, I equated it to "Gossip Girl" and the House of Windsor. I still think that's how the series will play out, but we shall see! 

Mobs....Serial Killers...Murder....Bay Area

 This book was amazing! 

I loved learning about the history of San Fransisco and of course, the main point of the book - the murders that happened. This book is divided into short stories about different events that happened starting with the gold rush to present.  

You become so interested in this one that you cannot put the book down! I finished this one in a day. I'm now on the hunt for similar books for all the major cities! 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Let's Go To San Francisco!

 Mob bosses. Vigilantes. Hoodlums. Serial Killers. Cult Leaders. 

San Francisco Bay Area. 

Welcome to "The Murders That Made Us" by Bob Calhoun! This is next up on the TBR list and part of my library haul, check out my Instagram for the complete haul! 

I'm so excited to read this one. I love everything about California, minus natural disasters, and add in true crime/murder mysteries - I'm all for it! Learning about the past is always interesting to me so I'm ready to learn all the things about the Bay Area! 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

What's Your Number...

 Enneagram number that is...

Coming at you today with TWO posts for finished books because like I said in my first post, life has gotten in the way this past week so I'm behind on all the things! 

I checked out this read, "Enneagram Empowerment" by Laura Miltenberger, from my local library - I have been curious about my personality type and how I interact with others. What causes us to lose friendships? How are we our best selves around everyone else? Who do we mesh with the best? 

For me, I have always hated large office settings - I prefer smaller numbers. In a large office, which is no different from high school in my opinion, there is room for drama - and I do not do drama. Maybe in my 20's but now that I'm....well....older, no thank you! I do not have the mental or physical strength to deal with it. But thinking back to those large office settings, I can easily pick out who was who while reading this book and also - I learned why our personalities may have clashed the way that they did. It was really an eyeopening read and I encourage everyone to find out their "number"! 

You Love Me.....

 OK, so this one took WAY longer to finish than I wanted but sometimes life gets in the way. 

Update: My hosting gig for "LikeWise" launched on 7/1 and I currently have close to one hundred and fifteen THOUSAND members following my group!!!! To say I'm excited is an understatement! We are currently reading "Wild" for our first bookclub pick....I love that book so much, I re-read it every summer and every summer I'm ready to "do Wild" and hike the PCT - yeah, I would die. No doubt, but it's fun to have on a bucket list that will NEVER actually happen! 

So we've got "LikeWise" gig up and running - yay!! And I start back to work on 7/12 so YAY!! Like I said, life has kept me busy lately which is good to be busy. 

Now for "You love Me" update: 

OH JOE! Will he ever learn? Will he ever meet a woman who doesn't have seriously f*cked up friends?!?! Sheesh.....he did kinda sorta try hard this time, and met with the same kinda result. So what is Netflix to do with a season three now??!?! I didn't LOVE it - RIP Love - but I didn't HATE it either....the 3rd installment was not the first book, "You", worthy but it also was not as bad as the second in the series, "Hidden Bodies" - but I can tell, we will have a fourth in the series. Maybe one day Joe will get his girl and live happily ever after as the guy we all love to hate! 

Publisher Appreciation Post!!! RE: Simon & Schuster/Avid Reader Press

  It's Wednesday which means it is time for a publisher appreciation post! But this Wednesday, I have a special treat for you all - a bo...